Social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities in order to promote civic competence. At least, that's how the English wikipedia describes it. Here we're
Now, don't be late to class! Look for the door marked 物理学 (shakaika).
Daburuyuu Joshi Koutou Gakkou: Physics
Today we are going to be introduced to three of the fundamental interactions studied in physics: electrostatic force, magnetic force, and gravitational force.
1. Electrostatics
I trust that you've read the assigned text, but if you're still confused maybe Berryz Koubou can help you understand.
Otakebi Boy WAO! (雄叫びボーイ WAO!)
Berryz Koubou
"Otakebi Boy WAO! / Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda!"
2. Magnetism
Magnetism is tends to a more difficult subject to grasp because it is not as intuitive as electrostatics. In electrostatics we can consider "point charges," which have near physical analogs in electrons and protons, but the concept of "point magnets" is entirely theoretical. There is however a law for the force between magnetic dipoles that corresponds to Coulomb's law. More important in the study of magnetism are Maxwell's equations, so you will need a strong calculus foundation before you can dive into the meat of the subject. In the mean time, Kira☆Pika are happy to give a practical demonstration of simple magnetic attraction.
Futari wa NS (ふたりはNS)
"Hana wo Puun / Futari wa NS"
3. Gravitation
Gravitation is an important component of classical Newtonian mechanics, and as such you will spend a considerable amount of time studying it once you take Mechanics. However, while the effects of gravity are well studied and understood the cause is still unknown. Physicists have theorized the existence of "gravitons" to account for the force but why it is 25 degrees of magnitude weaker than even the next-weakest fundamental force is a mystery.
Chikyuu to Tsuki Kare to Watashi (地球と月 彼と私)
Ishikawa Rika, Konno Asami, Sengoku Minami, Sawada Yuri (Ongaku Gatas)
Well, that's all for this class. Don't be late for Social Studies!
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